Located on a spacious lot in the marginal part of the city, it conveys specific requests of the investors who wanted a family house in which no concrete or any other materials that were not in accordance with dowsing and feng shui principles could be used.
The same principles and philosophy were decisive elements in positioning the house on the lot and in choosing the orientation and the size of the openings on the façade. As a result, the house was built entirely out of materials such as brick, wood, and wax paper.
The set of limitations presented a challenge that resulted in a house that reflects both the vernacular building, and the modernist usage of brick followed by a restrained play of volumes. Nevertheless, it still remains noticeably unique in its expression.
The house has been acknowledged by the Croatian Architect Association and was awarded with Drago Galić Prize for the best accomplishment in the field of residential architecture in the year 1997.